Léon Dejonghe

Senior Geologist

                      +32 2 788 76 00 (Secretary Office)


Léon Dejonghe (Familleureux, Belgium, 18-10-1946) is civil engineer of mines (1969) of the Polytechnic Faculty of Mons, geological engineer (1971) of the Free University of Brussels and Ph.D. in science (state doctorate – “docteur ès sciences”) (1975) of the Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France.

After working as a part-time assistant at the Free University of Brussels, from September 1969 to August 1971, he joined the Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB) in January 1972 where he spent his entire career.  He was a major player in attaching the GSB to the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences where he was head of department of the GSB from November 2006 to October 2008. He retired on 1 November 2011.

His main research focuses on: metallogenic investigations (Argentina, Belgium, Congo, Iran, Mexico and Vietnam) and geological mapping (Wallonia and Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg). His field of expertise concerns the study of Ba, Fe, Pb, Zn, Sb and Au sedimentary and vein-type ore deposits as well as the study of Paleozoic rocks, in particular, those of the Devonian, in terms of lithostratigraphy and tectonics.

From 1979 to 2012, he taught metallogeny at the Free University of Brussels, in the Faculty of Science and, at times, in the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

Present professional affiliations

Since 1996, he is a member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Overseas Sciences, Class of Technical Sciences, and since 2002, a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, Class of Sciences. Since 2011, he is a volunteer geologist at the Geological Survey of Belgium.


Since 2011, he is a geologist-mapper for the geological mapping project of the Éislek area, northern part of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Program established between the Geological Survey of Belgium and the Geological Survey of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

Research interests


Same topics as those mentionned for the research interests. Metallogeny, ore deposits, tectonics and geological mapping

Key publications

  1. Dejonghe, L. (1971) – Minéralisation et genèse du gîte stratiforme de Ravandje (Iran central). Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d’Hydrologie, 80 : 111-132, 8 fig., 2 pl., Bruxelles.
  2. Dejonghe, L. & de Walque, L. (1981) – Pétrologie et géochimie du filon sulfuré de Heure (Belgique), du chapeau de fer associé et de l’encaissant carbonaté. Bulletin du BRGM (2ème série), Section II, 3 (1980-81) : 165-191, 9 fig., 7 tabl., 2 pl., Paris.
  3. Dejonghe, L., Rye, R.O. & Cauet, S. (1982) – Sulfur isotopes of barite and lead isotopes of galena from the stratiform deposit in Frasnian carbonate and shale host-rocks of Chaudfontaine (Province of Liège, Belgium). Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique, 105 : 97-103, 2 fig., 2 tabl., 1 pl., Liège.
  4. Dejonghe, L. (1985) – Mineral deposits of Belgium. Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, 94 : 283-297, 4 fig., 3 tabl., Bruxelles.
  5. Dejonghe, L. (1989) – Le gisement de Fleurus (Belgique) : une concentration de barytine sédimentaire en milieu lacustre piégée dans un paléokarst envahi par des sédiments wealdiens. Chronique de la Recherche minière, BRGM, 494 : 25-42, 17 fig., 3 tabl., Orléans.
  6. Dejonghe, L. (1990) – The sedimentary structures of barite: examples from the Chaudfontaine ore deposit, Belgium. Sedimentology, 37 : 303-323, 12 fig., 1 tabl., Blackwell, Oxford.
  7. Dejonghe, L., & Boulvain, F. (1993) – Paleogeographic and diagenetic context of a baritic mineralization enclosed within Frasnian peri-reefal formations : Case history of the Chaudfontaine mineralization (Belgium). Ore Geology Reviews, 7 : 413-431, 8 fig., 1 tabl., Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  8. Dejonghe, L. (1997) – Features and origin of the strata-bound siliciclastic-hosted Kinsenda copper deposit contained in the Roan of south-east Shaba, Zaire. Proceedings of the International Cornet Symposium “Strata-bound copper deposits and associated mineralizations”, Mons, 5-9 september 1994.  Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences : 145-158, 7 fig., Brussels.
  9. Dejonghe, L. (1998) – Zinc-lead deposits of Belgium. Ore Geology Reviews, 12 : 329-354, 14 fig., Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  10. Bultynck, P. & Dejonghe, L. (2001) – Devonian lithostratigraphic units (Belgium). In: Bultynck & Dejonghe, eds, Guide to a revised lithostratigraphic scale of Belgium.  Geologica Belgica, 4/1-2 : 39-62.
  11. Dejonghe, L. & Jumeau, F. (2007) – Les plus beaux rochers de Wallonie – Géologie et petite histoire. Service géologique de Belgique (D/2007/11.136/1 ; ISBN : 978-2-9600676-0-6) : 1-358.
  12. Dejonghe, L. (2007) – Guide de lecture des cartes géologiques de Wallonie. 3e édition.  Ministère de la Région wallonne (édit), Direction générale des Ressources naturelles et de l’Environnement.  Dépôt légal : D/2008/5322/11 : 1-52
  13. Dejonghe, L., Colbach, R. & Goemaere, E. (2017) -The lithostratigraphy of the lower Devonian formations of the Eisleck region (northern Luxembourg). Comparison with their Belgian lateral equivalents. Geologica Belgica, 20/1-2 : 33-42 (on line : 12/02/2017).
  14. Dejonghe, L. (2019) – Les précurseurs et les grands noms de la géologie belge, nés entre 1719 et 1900. Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Nouvelle biographie nationale, supplément 1 : 1-113


An updated bibliographic list of Léon Dejonghe’s publications is available on the following websites :

Léon Dejonghe Profile on Researchgate

Léon Dejonghe Profile on DI fusion at ULB

Léon Dejonghe Profile on Google scholar