I started my career at a survey office. After a few years I switched to an environmental remediation company. In 2014 I started at the GSB, mainly on 3D geological modelling projects and techno-economic evaluations of geological projects. Meanwhile, I started as the environmental coordinator of the RBINS in 2015.
3D-modelling, techno-economic evaluations, Tertiary geology of Belgium
Devleeschouwer X., Meyvis B., Goffin C., Agniel M., Gaudaré L., 2019. Brustrati3D – the creation of a 3D model of the subcrop of the Brussels Region. Invited speaker for the World Water Day 2019, Conference Theme “Hydrogeology, Geology, Geothermal energy in the Brussels region: new tools, data and knowledges”. IBGE, Brussels Environment, Brussels, 22-03-2019, oral presentation.
Heyvaert, V.M.A., Vernes, R.W., Deckers, J., Bogemans, F., De Ceukelaire, M., den Dulk, M., Doornenbal, H.C., Dusar, M., Hummelman, H.J., Kiden, P., Lanckacker, T., Menkovic, A., Meyvis, B., Munsterman, D., Reindersma, R.M., ten Veen, J., van de Ven, T.J.M., Walstra, J., Westerhoff, W.E., Witmans, N., 2016. Towards a cross-border hydrogeological model: harmonized data integration within the H3O-projects. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 18, pp. EGU2016-16156-2.
Welkenhuysen, K., Meyvis, B. & Piessens, K., 2015. Techno-economic evaluation of CO2-EOR in the North Sea. In: Ball, M., Mann, I. & Sim, G. (Eds.), CO2 storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the North Sea: Securing a low-carbon future for the UK, Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage, Edinburgh, p.27-30. ISBN 978-0-9927483-2-6
Bruxelles Environnement project, 2017-2018
Role: Collaborator
Role: Collaborator
Role: Collaborator
Role: Collaborator