Estelle Petitclerc is a geologist who joined the Geological Survey of Belgium in 2005 where she currently oversees geothermal-related projects at GSB. She is mainly involved in geothermal potential assessments and mapping, geothermal exploration, geo-economic modelling and on thermal characterization of Belgian rocks for optimising shallow geothermal application.
Geothermal energy, Geological exploration, Underground characterisation, Thermal and magnetic rock properties
Parkes, D., Busby, J., Kemp, S.J., Petitclerc, E. & Mounteney, I., 2020. The thermal properties of the Mercia Mudstone Group. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 54, qjegh2020-098
Compernolle, T., Welkenhuysen, K., Petitclerc, E., Maes, D. & Piessens, K., 2019. The impact of policy measures on profitability and risk in geothermal energy investments. Energy Economics 84, 104524
García-Gil, A., Goetzl, G., Kłonowski, M.R., Borovic, S., Boon, D.P., Abesser, C., Janza, M., Herms, I., Petitclerc, E., et al., 2020. Governance of shallow geothermal energy resources. Energy Policy 138, 111283
Hoes, H., Petitclerc, E, Declercq, P-Y. & Laenen, B., 2013. Geothermal Energy Use, country update for Belgium. Proceedings CUR-04, EGC2013 (European Geothermal Conference), 3rd -7th June, Pisa.
Licour, L., Goderniaux, P., Dupont, N., Hennebert, M., Swennen, R., Steemans, P., Boulvain, F., Petitclerc, E., Rorive, A. & Baele, J-M., 2020. Stratigraphical reinterpretation of Devonian strata underlying the Mons Basin based on cuttings from the Saint-Ghislain borehole, Hainaut, Belgium. Geologica Belgica 23/1-2, 29-39
Loveless, S., Hoes, H., Petitclerc, E., Licour, L. & Laenen, B., 2015. Country Update for Belgium. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 6 p.
Petitclerc, E., Welkenhuysen, K., Van Passel, S., Piessens, K., Maes, D. & Compernolle, T., 2017. Towards geological-economic modelling to improve evaluating policy instruments for geothermal energy – Case study for Belgium (Campine Basin). European Geologist, 43, 10-15. ISSN 1028-267X (international, peer-reviewed, non-impact factor)
Petitclerc, E., Laenen, B., Lagrou, D. & Hoes, H., 2016. Geothermal Energy use, Country Update for Belgium. European Geothermal Congress 2016, Strasbourg, France, 19-24/09/2016, 9p.
Petitclerc, E. & Vanbrabant, Y., 2011. Geothermal Platform of Wallonia: final report
Petitclerc, E., Vanbrabant, Y., Declercq, P.-Y. & Goemaere, E., 2012. Geothermal resources assessment methodology in Wallonia (Belgium). In: 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012. Moving Plates and Melting Icecaps – Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology. Brussels 11-14/09/12. Geologica Belgica International Meeting, Abstract Book: 253
EU COST Action, CA18219, 2019-2023
Role: participant
BRAIN-be, 2014-2017
Role: partner. Geo-Economic modelling, evaluation of potential policy measures for geothermal sector in Belgium.
Federal funding, 2013-2014
Role: coordinator, measurements of thermal properties and mineralogy analyses of rock cores samples from the RBINS collections.
EU ICT-PSP, 2009-2014
Role: Partner, very shallow geothermal potential mapping for the Belgian test areas (Liège and Gent)
SPW DG04, 2010-2011
Roles: Deep drillings reinterpretation, deep geological structure of the Walloon underground, mapping activities: medium and deep geothermal interest zones in Wallonia, geothermometry analysis in Liege area, Belgian seismic data re-interpretation (Liege, Famenne, Hainaut surveys).
Presentation at the European Shallow Geothermal Days: Why and how does Shallow Geothermal Energy work at Brussels?