Professional Papers 319

New sedimentological data from Triassic to Jurassic boreholes and sections from Southern Belgium and Luxembourg

Professional Papers of the Geological Survey of Belgium - Vol. 319

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printed copy: € 8.00 + shipping cost
electronic pdf: € 6.00

Publication details:

  • 43 pages
  • 22 figures, 2 tables, 1 photo plate
  • full color
  • soft cover
  • Frédéric Boulvain,  Isabelle Belanger, Robert Colbach, Sylvain Dechamps, Dominique Delsate, David Deligny, Pierre Ghysel, Jonathan Michel, Simon Philippo & Benjamin Ramlot. 2017. New sedimentological data from Triassic to Jurassic boreholes and sections from Southern Belgium and Luxembourg. Professional Papers of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 319, 43 p.

See attached the cover, abstract and table contents to have a first impression on the manuscript
