Herman Goethals

Senior Geologist


Born in Sint-Niklaas Belgium on 22/09/1946 and raised there.
Humanities in H. Hartcollege Tervuren Greek-Latin department 1959-1965.
Higher studies at the KULeuven:
Preparatory year Mathematics 1965-1966.
Master in Earth and Mineral Sciences 1966-1970
Doctoral Thesis : Mineralogy Crystallography 1970-1975.
National Institute of Metallurgy. Johannesburg, South Africa: Scientist 1976-1978.

UNAZA, Polytechnique, Mining Engineers, Lubumbashi, RDC: Assistant Professor 1978-1981.

BGD Contract Geologist 1981: Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Modeling Geological Scenarios.
BGD Geologist : Hydrogeology including Mathematical Model of the Campine 1982.
BGD Computerization of RGB Geological Databases 1986-2004.

RBINS: Mineralogy petrography 2004-2011.
RBINS Mineralogy:Volunteer 2011…

Research interests

  • Mineralogy
  • Petrography
  • Meteorites

Key publications

Goethals, H., 1975. Bijdrage tot de studie van de tetraëdrische Germanium houdende sulfiden. Studie van kristalstructuuranalysemethoden in verband met de superstructuur van Cu2GeS3. PhD Thesis, KU Leuven.

Ottenburgs, R. & Goethals, H., 1972. Synthèse et polymorphisme de la briartite. Bull. Soc. fr. Mínéral. Cristallogr. 95, 458-463.

Deliens, M. & Goethals, H., 1973. Polytypism of Heterogenite. Mineralogical Magazine 39, 152-157.

Goethals, H. & Laga, P., 1988. Hydrogeologische studie van de gespannen watervoerende laag in het Massief van Brabant onder Oost- en West-Vlaanderen. Water nr. 40.

Burlet, C., Vanbrabant, Y., Goethals, H., Thys, T. & Dupin, L., 2011. Raman spectroscopy as a tool to characterize heterogenite (CoO·OH) (Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo). Spectrochimica Acta Part A 80, 138-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2011.03.007

Vandeginste, V., Goethals, H., De Vos, W., Hertogen, J. & Lagrou, D., 2012. The Hautes Fagnes meteorite find: A new LL5 (S1) chondrite from Belgium. Geologica Belgica 15/1-2, 96-104. https://popups.uliege.be/1374-8505/index.php?id=3562&file=1&pid=3535

Dewaele, S., Goethals, H. & Thys, T., 2013. Mineralogical characterization of cassiterite concentrates from quartz vein and pegmatite mineralization of the Karagwe-Ankole and Kibara Belts, Central Africa. Geologica Belgica 16/1-2, 66-75. https://popups.uliege.be/1374-8505/index.php?id=4008&file=1&pid=4002

Plášil, J., Kasatkin, A.V., Škoda, R., Novák, M., Kallistová, A., Dušek, M., Skála, R., Fejfarová, K., Cejka, J., Meisser, N., Goethals, H., Machovic, V., Lapcák, L., 2013. Leydetite, Fe(UO2)(SO4)2(H2O)11, a new uranyl sulfate mineral from Mas d’Alary, Lodève, France. Mineralogical Magazine 77 (4), 429–441. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2013.077.4.03

Burlet C., Goethals H. & Vanbrabant Y., 2016. Delafossite structure of heterogenite polytypes (HCoO2) by Raman and infrared micro-spectroscopy Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 159:90-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2016.01.038