The symposium “Towards a revised Neogene stratigraphy of Belgium” will take place on Thursday 19 May 2022 at the RBINS in Brussels, followed by an excursion in Northern Belgium on Friday 20 May.
In 2020 the NCS subcommission on Paleogene and Neogene stratigraphy published a review of the current status of the Neogene of northern Belgium in Geologica Belgica. Thereby new insights arose and new paths for further research were defined. The review is furthermore the starting point for a new formal stratigraphy of the Belgian Miocene and Pliocene which will be published on the website of the National Commission for Stratigraphy of Belgium. The results of the stratigraphical review will be presented during a one-day seminar. Special attention will be given to the cross-border integration and the correlation of the Miocene and Pliocene deposits.