Memoirs 64

Phosphatic Chalk of the Mons Basin, Belgium

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium - Vol. 64

The Memoir of the GSB volume 64 is now available for sale at the GSB. For ordering, please contact

printed copy: € 10.00 + shipping cost
electronic pdf: € 6.00

Publication details:

  • 46 pages
  • 39 figures, 5 tables
  • full color
  • soft cover
  • Jacquemin, D., 2020. Phosphatic Chalk of the Mons Basin, Belgium. Petrography and geochemistry of the Ciply Phosphatic Chalk and implications on its genesis. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 64, 46 p.

See attached the cover, abstract and table contents to have a first impression on the manuscript

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