Memoirs 57

FIELD GUIDE TO THE PRE-CLEAVAGE DEFORMATION AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE JODOIGNE AREA. Cambrian slump deformation and evidence for the Asquempont Detachment System along the N-side of the core of the Brabant Massif

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium - Vol. 57

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Publication details:

  • 28 pages
  • 20 figures
  • full color
  • soft cover
  • Timothy Debacker & Alain Herbosch, 2011. Field guide of the Pre-cleavage deformation and stratigraphy of the Jodoigne area. Cambrian slump deformation and evidence for the Asquempont Detachment System along the N-side of the core of the Brabant Massif. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 57, 28 p.

See attached the cover, abstract and table contents to have a first impression on the manuscript
