Memoirs 60

The Boom Clay Geology. From sedimentation to present-day occurrence. A review

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium - Vol. 60

The Memoirs of the GSB volume 60 is available for sale at the GSB. For ordering, please contact

printed copy: € 8.00 + shipping cost
electronic pdf: € 6.00

Publication details:

  • 76 pages
  • 70 figures
  • full color
  • soft cover
  • Noël Vandenberghe, Mieke De Craen & Laurent Wouters, 2014. The Boom Clay Geology. From sedimentation to present-day occurrence. A review. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 60, 76 p.

See attached the cover, abstract and table contents to have a first impression on the manuscript
